Saturday, March 30, 2013

New Designs!

As promised, here are photos of the new designs I've been working on...

My smaller "cluster" design unlit, and... 

...lit up with tea lights.
These three candle holders have a textured finish in-between the lines of beach glass.

Another version of my small tea lights with my cluster design...

...small yet they give off a nice warm glow!

Medium-sized candle holders, cluster style on the left and my Koolau design on the right, unlit...

...and lit.

You want more cluster?  Here it is, medium sized...

...and lit up.

These are suitable for outdoor use (they have a clear sealant applied) and can be used with either regular tea light candles or citronella candles too.

These designs are not in the retail outlets as yet, as I am building inventory for the Lanikai Spring Craft Fair on May 4th, but if you'd like to purchase any of these new ones, shoot me an email:

Again, THANK YOU for looking!